Application: The TYPO3 Community Podcast
Jeffrey A. McGuire celebrates the TYPO3 community by sharing your stories, your projects, and the difference you make. Application is a narrative journey connecting developers, marketers, consultants, integrators, designers, and end-users with Jeffery’s signature conversational style. Meet the humans behind the technology.
Podcasting since 2020 • 29 episodes
Application: The TYPO3 Community Podcast
Latest Episodes
Meet Thomas "Spoony" Löffler, TYPO3 Freelancer and Contributor, Germany
In this episode, we speak with TYPO3 Team Lead Thomas “Spoony” Löffler, a developer and contributor to TYPO3 since 2005. Thomas loves attending TYPO3 events and he also runs his own one-person TYPO3 agency, Spo...
Season 2
Episode 13

Meet Tymoteusz "Tymek" Motylewski, TYPO3 Core Contributor, Poland
In this episode, we hear from Tymoteusz “Tymek” Motylewski, Co-Founder and CTO of Macopedia and TYPO3 Core contributor. Today, we discuss his introduction to the TYPO3 community in the early 2000s, his favorite features and hidden gems of TYPO3...
Season 2
Episode 12

Meet Susi Moog, TYPO3 GmbH COO, Germany
In this episode, I speak with Susi Moog, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the TYPO3 GmbH. Today we learn about how she first came to know and use TYPO3, what her day-to-day role consists of, and how the TYPO3 GmbH enhances the CMS technolog...
Season 2
Episode 11

Meet Petra Hasenau, TYPO3 Association Board Vice President, Germany
In this episode, I speak with Petra Hasenau, the TYPO3 Association Board Vice President and the CEO of cybercraft GmbH. Today, we cover her introduction to TYPO3 and open source, her inclusive approach to community building, and her cooking cha...
Season 2
Episode 10

Meet Jochen Weiland, TYPO3 Teacher, Contributor, Hoster, Germany
In this episode, I speak with Jochen Weiland, who has been involved with TYPO3 since 2002, and now runs a full-service TYPO3 agency, jweiland.net. We talked about his significant contributions to the TYPO3 documentation, how he learned the open...
Season 2
Episode 9