Application: The TYPO3 Community Podcast
Application: The TYPO3 Community Podcast
Thank you TYPO3 Guidebook Contributors!
On today’s brief episode of Application, the TYPO3 Community Podcast, I speak with Felicity Brand, a fellow team member at Open Strategy Partners and author of the TYPO3 guidebook, which we've been putting together for the last couple of years here at Open Strategy Partners. It's a real privilege for us to help channel the work of the TYPO3 community, and we feel it's time that more people heard about it. We would like to give an appreciation round for everyone who contributed to the TYPO3 guide book.
An enormous thank you to:
Alexander Kellner, Anja Leichsenring, Benjamin Kott, Benni Mack, Björn Jacob, Claus-Peter Eberwein, Daniel Goerz, Daniel Homorodean, Daniel Siepmann, David Steeb, Desirée Lochner, Frank Nägler, Frank Schubert, Georg Ringer, Luisa Faßbender, Marcus Schwemer, Martin Huber, Mathias Bolt Lesniak, Mathias Schreiber, Mattias Svensson, Matze Stegmann, Michael Schams, Oliver Hader, Olivier Dobberkau, Robert Lindh, Sanjay Chauhan, Stefan Buseman, Suzanne Moog, Sybille Peters, Tracy Evans, Tymoteusz Motylewski, Felicity Brand, Heather MacNamee, Elli Ludwigson, Kai Strobach, Jo Hasenau, Jesi Driessen, Louise Corrigan, Nancy Chen, James Markhamb, 13, Cybercraft GmbH, Open Strategy Partners GmbH, Pixelant (Resultify AB), SkillDisplay, Texere Publishing Ltd, Toujou part of DFAU GmbH, TUI UK Ltd, TYPO3 GmbH, TYPO3 Association, University of Vienna, T3Con, DrupalCon, TYPO3 Dev Days, TYPO3 Camp Vienna, TYPO3 Camp Mitteldeutschland, APress Media LLC, the TYPO3 community design team, everyone else who helped us on this project, and everyone who has ever contributed to TYPO3 and open source.
Read the full post and transcript, and catch up on all our episodes on typo3.org.
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Thank you:
- The TYPO3 Association for sponsoring this podcast
- b13 and Stefanie Kreuzer for our logo
- Patrick Gaumond for our wonderful theme music
Application, the TYPO3 Community Podcast by the TYPO3 Association, Open Strategy Partners, and Jeffrey A. McGuire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Welcome to application the TYPO3 community podcast.
Felicity Brand:Hi, I'm Felicity brand and this is application the TYPO3 community podcast, sharing your stories, your projects and the difference you make.
Jeffrey McGuire:One, two. Welcome to application, that TYPO3 community podcast. I'm Jeffrey McGuire. You can call me Jam. And this is where we celebrate the TYPO3community, sharing your stories talking about your projects and the difference you make in around TYPO3 CMS. In today's episode of application, theTYPO3 community podcast I speak with Felicity Brand, a fellow team member at Open Strategy Partners and author of the TYPO3 guidebook, which we've been putting together for the last couple of years here at Open Strategy Partners. Felicity and I, over the course of the last year plus have been collaborating on the TYPO3 guidebook. It's a real privilege for me to have been part of channeling the work of the TYPO3 community since 1998/1999, an open source project, one of the really early ones still delivering incredible value on the web. And I feel it's really time that more people heard about it. We would like to thank those people. We are going to give you the world's first bilingual Thank you appreciation round for everyone who contributed to the TYPO3 book when I say it's bilingual, I am going to read people's names, either in German or English or Swedish, as appropriate. Felicity is going to read them in Australian. Would you like to go looking at the first two names on the list Felicity, would you like to go first or second?
Felicity Brand:I would love to go first. Please jam.
Jeffrey McGuire:Well, Alrighty, so Thank you for helping us create the TYPO3 guidebook:
Felicity Brand:Alexander Kellner
Jeffrey McGuire:Anja Leichsenring
Felicity Brand:Benjamin Kott
Jeffrey McGuire:Benni Mack
Felicity Brand:Bjrn Jacob
Jeffrey McGuire:Claus-Peter Eberwein. Oh, you got lucky you choose right!
Felicity Brand:This is a hard one for me, Daniel Goerz
Jeffrey McGuire:Fantastic. And here's one that I'm actually not sure about. Perfectly sure about: Daniel Homorodean
Felicity Brand:Daniel Siepmann
Jeffrey McGuire:David Steeb
Felicity Brand:Desire Lochner
Jeffrey McGuire:Frank Ngler
Felicity Brand:Frank Schubert,
Jeffrey McGuire:Georg Ringer
Felicity Brand:Luisa Fassbender.
Jeffrey McGuire:Marcus Schwemer
Felicity Brand:Martin Huber
Jeffrey McGuire:Mathias Bolt Lesniak
Felicity Brand:Mathias Schreiber
Jeffrey McGuire:Mattias Svensson
Felicity Brand:Matze Stegmann
Jeffrey McGuire:Michael Schams
Felicity Brand:Oliver Hader
Jeffrey McGuire:Olivier Dobberkau
Felicity Brand:Robert Lindh
Jeffrey McGuire:Sanjay Chauhan
Felicity Brand:Stefan Busemann, sorry Stephanie,
Jeffrey McGuire:I'm sure I'm sure that she you know, this is community. This is all good. Where we are Suzanne Moog,
Felicity Brand:Sybille Peters,
Jeffrey McGuire:Tracy Evans
Felicity Brand:Tymoteusz Motylewski
Jeffrey McGuire:and everyone else who helped us on this project,
Felicity Brand:and everyone who has ever contributed to TYPO3 and open source.
Jeffrey McGuire:We'd like to thank the following organizations b13.
Felicity Brand:Cybercraft GmbH
Jeffrey McGuire:Open Strategy Partners GmbH (that's us)
Felicity Brand:Pixelant(Resultify AB)
Jeffrey McGuire:SkillDisplay
Felicity Brand:Texere Publishing Ltd
Jeffrey McGuire:Toujou part of DFAU GmbH
Felicity Brand:TUI UK Ltd
Jeffrey McGuire:Yeah, TUI the travel company TUI
Felicity Brand:TUI, TUI, TUI UK limited,
Jeffrey McGuire:TYPO3 GmbH,
Felicity Brand:TYPO3 Association,
Jeffrey McGuire:University of Vienna and some or all of our team. We're at the following events where we had fantastic interesting conversations with people and learned a lot so thank you T3Con, DrupalCon, TYPO3 Dev Days.
Felicity Brand:TYPO3 camp Vienna,
Jeffrey McGuire:TYPO3 Camp Mittal Deutschland So, also thank you very much TYPO3 Association for entrusting this project to us, especially the board who were picked to lend, eh, supported us when we had our learning experiences, when the project went over time, it's it is really a privilege to be part of this community and to have the chance to do this project. The TYPO3 GmbH gave a lot of material support to usTYPO3 community design team was a great help putting together the book, I would like to say thank you Felicity Brand. Thank you, Heather MacNamee. Thank you. An extra special thanks, as we say in the book to Benni Mack, Mathias Bolt Lesniak, Elli Ludwigson. Our reviewers from TYPO3 community Kai Strobach and Jo Hasenau and our fearless project manager Jesi Driessen. Thank you very much APress, APress Media LLC Louise Corrigan, Nancy Chen and James Markham, who believes in us from the start, and helped us keep on track this thing, thank you so much, everyone. Thank you Felicity for your help. I really appreciate you.
Felicity Brand:No worries.
Jeffrey McGuire:Ah, speaking in Australian. Yeah, Bob's your Aunty Mary right?
Felicity Brand:No, it's Thank you, Jam. It's it's been a really wonderful journey for me. And it's taken me to a new place that you know, feels like home already. Aw that's cheesy, but, but from the heart. You know, I I really like where I've landed. So thank you, TYPO3!
Jeffrey McGuire:Thanks to the TYPO3 Association for sponsoring this podcast. Thank you b13 and Stefanie Kreuzer for our logo. Merci beaucoup Patrick Gaumond , TYPO3 developer and musician extraordinaire for the beautiful theme music.TYPO3, developer and musician extraordinaire and for our theme music. Thanks again to today's guest. If you like what you heard, don't forget to subscribe in the podcast app of your choice and share application the TYPO3 community podcast with your friends and colleagues. If you didn't like it, please share it with your enemies. Would you like to play along and suggest a guest for the podcast? Do you have questions or comments? reach out to us on Twitter @TYPO3 podcast. You can find shownotes links and more information in our posts on TYPO3.org. Remember, open source software would not be what it is without you. Thank you all for your contributions.