Application: The TYPO3 Community Podcast
Application: The TYPO3 Community Podcast
Meet Daniel Homorodean **Re-Upload** w/ credits and music!
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Today we speak with Daniel Homorodean, the Romania-based CEO of web development agency Arxia, and a leader of the TYPO3 Expansion Committee. We talk about Daniel’s 15 years of experience with TYPO3, the most important factors of TYPO3 international expansion, and how TYPO3 helps you tackle more advanced projects than you could before.
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- The TYPO3 Association for sponsoring this podcast
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- Patrick Gaumond for our wonderful theme music
Application, the TYPO3 Community Podcast by the TYPO3 Association, Open Strategy Partners, and Jeffrey A. McGuire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Welcome to application the TYPO3 community podcast.
Daniel Homorodean:My name is Daniel Homorodean, and this is application the TYPO3 community podcasts sharing your stories, your projects and the difference you make. Celebrate the TYPO3 community on application, the TYPO3 podcast meet the humans behind the technology.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:One, two. Welcome to application, the TYPO3 community podcast. I'm Jeffrey A. McGuire, you can call me jam. And this is where we celebrate the TYPO3 community sharing your stories, talking about your projects and the difference you make in around and with TYPO3 CMS in today's episode of application that TYPO3 community podcast I speak with Daniel Hamada Ryan, about the pluses and the wins that we've gained through the pandemic and the lockdown and how digital events are helping spread the word about open source and TYPO3. We talk a lot about various aspects of Daniel's work, expanding TYPO3 internationally as part of the international expansion committee as part of TYPO3 mentoring as his passion. He discusses how Africa is his sweetheart, we talk about how TYPO3 can benefit governments how your career or your agency might benefit from adopting TYPO3, I really hope you enjoy listening to this episode, as much as I enjoyed speaking with Daniel to put it together.
Daniel Homorodean:My name is Daniel Homer Rodin. I'm coming from Romania, I'm coming from the city of Cluj napoca, it's a historical city is the second city in size of Romania, and also is the biggest it hub technological hub of the entire region, not just for Romania, but for the entire Southeast Europe, we have more than 20,000 IoT developers in the city, in in our area. And that considering that the total population is a bit over 300,000, so you can do the math and see and see exactly the proportion of the IT guys here in our city, I mean, you can bump into an IT specialist at every corner in or the bar, and not into one, but in quite many. And this actually fostered a very good growth of of our expertise, both in terms of technology and also in terms of our ability to, to build up products and to go into new markets. And for me as an IT entrepreneur for almost 20 years now. The International Business Development and selling internationally and working with foreign customers was something that was ingrained in from the beginning. Because the regional markets Romanian market is not even around it now. It's not yet big enough or mature enough to absorb the entire capacity that I've told you about. So it was normal for us to to move well to Western Europe first, and then further and further away. And now, aside from our European customers, our company, our axia is also having clients in web development, consultancy and training in many other places of the world, including Africa. And that is, let's say, my year, my sweetheart of a continent. And for me, it's, let's say is the epitomizes the idea of exploration, because I consider myself to be an explorer, so an explorer in geography in terms of I love traveling. And that's that's the best thing that that I could do with my money and with my time traveling and exploring, you know, geographically people, countries cultures, I will consider myself a an explorer also in terms of projects of getting into new ideas, new and diverse new products, risking a bit or more and trying to build up, you know, communities partnerships, things like this. So always, you know, in a rest restless mode, in which we can do things better.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:And in the TYPO3 community you are in charge of the intern or you are a big part of the international expansion efforts. And so a lot of your contribution and your focus is is actually very well aligned with your passion, right?
Daniel Homorodean:Absolutely, absolutely. Since 2018 when the The TYPO3 community expansion committee of the TYPO3 Association was established, took the leading role of this committee and starting initially to travel and promotes TYPO3 into various events in various countries. And further on expanding, as also the team of the committee has expanded, expanding also the focus of the committee by introducing other activities like the mentorship program or organising events ourselves, things like this, as I've said, but this started in 2018. And it has accelerated since. And it's it's not something that came out suddenly, actually, I mean, from my perspective, personally, as I'm coming from Romania, and we don't have steel, and we didn't have much TYPO3 in the market, it was clearly an experience on which we've built before that we need to grow the market and we need to grow the community locally. In outside that say, the core German speaking TYPO3 area in the it was also something that was somehow into the TYPO3. community at large. I mean, many people were were thinking about the fact that TYPO3 should be more international. So it's, it fits quite well, with my year experience with my year, my interest, and also the interest at large of the community.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:Nice. My professional involvement with TYPO3 has been very, very active since 2017. I've been in and out of the community and watching from the outside for much, much longer. A lot of what I discovered when i when i really dove in a few years ago was that this project is ready to be out in the world and has so much to offer to people in terms of up to date, ways of coding, great functionality that applies to real business cases, for a lot of kinds of organizations around the world, great release cycle, great teams, great democracy, great nonprofit structure, I mean, the product is really well thought out, in my view, and is executing very well. And so I really thought it was time that more people heard of it. So I got very excited when you told me that people from Chile, people from Latin America, people from Oceania, know about it. And my company has worked with the TYPO3 company and with the TYPO3 association to do c mmunity building activities to h lp with marketing sprints to h lp write communications to h lp determine strategy and so o. We also had the privilege of p tting together theTYPO3 guid book. So anyway, I think it' really time to push beyond ou traditional borders. And I was wondering, you said that you ad interest from Latin America i your event and you have, you know, your sweetheart in Africa could you talk about the situa ions there. And especiall because as a co author of the TYPO3 guide book, I'm tryin to convince a press to bring ut the book in Spanish and Frenc right now. And I need to find l cal publishers to help with that It's a continuous explorati n to this emerging and developin countries, which actually ven if we call them regions, ontinents, there are huge
Daniel Homorodean:expanses, which with the high diversity themselves, so I'm saying that Africa and just to make it clear, Africa in itself is my sweetheart, you know, the the continent that colors, the smells, the energy, the the people at large, but Africa is 54 countries, and there is so diverse, some are very, are quite well developed, others are still very poor, and still still have a lot of problems which come with let's say beyond a B before the digitalization in order to to move there and in order to bring in the new technology and in order to bring in the technology transfer and capacity building and everything that we can do for we have to first understand and understand it is a follow up of, of exploring and of, of getting to know people. So that's the first phase that we should do, really, really getting to know people getting to discuss with them getting to understand further on making the plan with them, how we can actually help. So in general, and I would I would take Africa as an example. It's It's a special example because the future of Africa is fantastic. I mean, the continent will In population in the next 25 years, it will surpass 2.4 billion people. So imagine that, and imagine that the growth of GDP growth is in its seven, eight net per year. In the same time, the digitalization at the level of a continent is way low. And the acceleration of this transformation has to rely on their internal capacity of non their local people. That's a big hurdle. Because you'd see, for example, a country of 100 million like Ethiopia, which actually have, I would try to let you guess, how many programmers a country of 100 million would have? So I will make it easier for you, but it's about 4000. So no more than 5000?
Jeffrey A. McGuire:I think there are more than four or 5000 programmers in, in Cologne, which is a city of 1 million. So
Daniel Homorodean:Gosh, exam? Exactly. Exactly, exactly. So in in my own city, we have the number of programmers that probably surpass the the all the programmers in all East Africa, for example. And that's something that that have to change, otherwise, those countries will not progress. And that is, that is exactly one of the points that I think that we can work on this right.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:capacity as an open source community as maintainers of open source technologies, we have the chance, on the one hand, to give people actually free tools to improve their lives and improve their communities and improve their governments. And we have the chance to give people employment, to stimulate their economies, to let them work for foreign clients for a while until while they're maturing their own markets, and they can help their own countries, you know, it's a, it's a completely virtuous cycle in my view, and we can pay attention to making technologies that work on lower bandwidth connections that don't rely on smartphones, whatever it is, we have so much to contribute, and so much of it we can do, even if there's a pandemic, for example, we can create good documentation and and tutorials and, and video materials, and so on, and give that to people and really make a difference in the world.
Daniel Homorodean:Definitely. And I think that you've touched the exact points that we can do, especially in the developing countries, to enable them to do their own project rather than project governmental and further on private, to enable them to build local communities through which they can share knowledge in between themselves and teach others and also to provide the direct economic opportunity. And by these definitely we we mean, the opportunity for them to work with more experienced partners in Europe or us or other places with which are more developed than themselves.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:let's shift gears a little bit. Tell me how did you get involved in TYPO3? How did you discover it?
Daniel Homorodean:My company, or axia is doing TYPO3 since 2005. And back then, as younger Web Development Agency Romania, you know, as many others, we were open to everything, open to everything, meaning that we didn't refuse any client who would come to say, I want this done in this and this technology. Yes. Well. So it was one time that German customer came to us and say, Well, I have this portal, which has to be done in TYPO3. Can you do it? We said yes, of course. Of course, we have no clue at that moment. About TYPO3. But, but we did learn it, we did manage to finally do this project. And we started liking it. We started to realize that actually compared to other CMS that we worked at that moment. TYPO3 really has some very neat technological advances and advantages. And also for us at that moment is was opening a new market, a quite quite a good market for us. So then we grew and grew the TYPO3 capacity until in 2010, we decided that we should be a full TYPO3 agency. I mean, giving up the other CMS is that we are still doing and concentrate fully And and completely and exclusively on TYPO3? And has that been a good decision? 10 years, definitely it was, I mean, focusing your business focusing on on the technology that you can muster and really master them. It is something that pays off definitely. And right, then we've started also to explore our position into the community. And we were among the first in the Eastern Europe, at least, to start doing these tend to start engaging. And we are looking very much into building the national community building the regional community, and also relating it to the international community. So in the first years of the last decade, we've done several national events, national wide events in Romania. And then in 2013, we did the first edition of the International Conference TYPO3 is Europe, maybe you've heard about it, because it, it went on seven editions. So until the pandemic stopped us, it was another form of COVID in a way, in a way, but I don't see it as a victim, because it allowed us to actually shift the gears, as I was saying, in the beginning, from from a regional event, of course, it was always we have guests from Germany, Switzerland, and so on. But from a regional event, we actually be able to have to move it to a much broader international event, like the international days, it was still initiated by us and still around by year, mainly by the team that has run the TYPO3. East Europe before.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:Yeah, that's a fantastic opportunity. And actually, as we already said, the the the, the fact that people from all over the place, stay up late, get up early, you know, to come and be a part of these online events is it feels incredibly empowering. And I really want to capture that going forward. Whatever the situation in the travel in the world is, in the future, what's the coolest thing you ever built with
Daniel Homorodean:TYPO3 with quite a lot of quite a lot of projects big and small. I think that in terms of, of the wideness of the projects, it was something that we've built for a Regional Development Agency in Romania, which became a place into which all the stakeholders of the larger community original larger community could congregate. I mean, from universities, to startups to businesses that could look for opportunities to visitors who would look for investment capacities and possibilities. It was a project which proved again, that TYPO3 is an enabler or can be an enabler as a platform for complex interaction and complex opportunity access is, though, that's one thing and the other. Maybe it's what we've managed to help you Rhonda. I mean, maybe you've heard that two years ago, we've started this. Actually, it was, yeah, three years ago already. In the march 2018, we've engaged for the first time, the Rwandan government and managed to convince them this TYPO3 is the right technology for them in order to rebuild, or the institutional websites. I mean, more than 300 websites of the institutions from the presidency, government ministries, embassies, city halls, everything, everything on TYPO3. And it took us quite a while to actually go through a system through the benchmarking of the CMS is so that TYPO3 became the victor of incorporation with with other contestants, and build up their strategy also, for multi instance, multi domain installations, which means that one installation of TYPO3 can carry all their 20 something ministries, only one installation, one installation can carry all their embassies in the world. So that's, that's something that really convinced them that it makes sense to continue with a portrait and it makes sense to build up their own capacity. And the nice thing was that we've helped them build these national capacity through coaching, so that the people came to learn TYPO3 came to build up their own website and came for the first time in a coffee in the country for the First time to congregate into a technological community. They didn't have this as a concept, that technological community. And last year in in February, where they've managed to have the first national convention on TYPO3, for the for a TYPO3. Community. Wow. That's that's I think that that was a good thing, not just for me, of course, but for for, for all the TYPO3 community and bringing
Jeffrey A. McGuire:open source empowerment to a place that is that has been doing better and better. It's a it's a perfect moment to introduce that there. How did you discover how did you find out that they were looking to replace the infrastructure and get in on that process?
Daniel Homorodean:I think that it was a very lucky conjecture in which the first action actually the very first action of the expansion committee was to send me to Kigali to the capital of Ronda, to a conference, it was a conference there, a CMS Africa summit in 2018. And there, I have presented TYPO3 to the audience. And from their own, there were some people from the government in the audience. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. But they they came to me and they said, Well, you know, we are actually looking for a technology to serve us. Our our scope, and we feel that this TYPO3, could be the one, what do you think? I would say? Of course, it is, of course, it is, of course, what you are looking for?
Jeffrey A. McGuire:This is the CMS you are looking for?
Daniel Homorodean:Exactly, exactly. Well, it took a while, of course, from that moment until, until all the stages were done in order for for the project for the implementation to start, but that is how it started. Wonderful.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:Could you sum up, maybe the state of TYPO3 outside of the Western European core, and the potential that you see in different parts of the world,
Daniel Homorodean:in general, the potential is definitely huge. The state is definitely poor, I will start with, with the first one with the potential, I believe that in order to, to grow, TYPO3 and TYPO3 in the market, you need to foster the development of two factors. One is the market itself, meaning the clients who could take up the project the projects in TYPO3, and on these, especially in the developing countries, government, universities, city halls are a very good target. Because we have we have quite, quite good portfolio at the level of the community at large in those sectors. On the other hand, you need to foster the growth of the local developers, the local agencies who embrace it, learn it, and who find the way in which they can convert their knowledge into business opportunity. And that at first, you have well, us as a community, I think that we have to help in order for for TYPO3 to get a foothold. That is something that as a plan as a logical plan we're trying to do in the TYPO3, committee expansion committee coming back to the second part of of your question or the answer at that TYPO3's rather poor, outside its core areas, well, the numbers themselves of the agencies and of the people who are using TYPO3 outside the dock area is is rather small, throughout the last years, it has not grown significantly. So that means that is quite quite quite a good potential here that we have to foster so that these these grows, maybe the the hurdle into this is exactly in helping them the local players to sell TYPO3 better to sell TYPO3 batters to their market. I mean, you know that we have TYPO3 agencies in Spain, in Italy, in the UK, even. But the penetration on the market of TYPO3 in those countries is still very, very small. So it's not enough just to to expand the knowledge at the level of programmers. We also need to help them to expand their market. Right? That
Jeffrey A. McGuire:is gross. Right? And what do you think would help? Well,
Daniel Homorodean:what I think and not not just me, is better correlation of the activities of the association into this direction and the better cooperation with Those local champions, let's say, and I'm glad to say that it happens, or at least it's accelerating now, because maybe you've heard about, well, you know, you've heard about, of course, you are part of it, of the cockman project, which is run by the TYPO3 Association. And it's exactly done for this purpose, I mean, to empower and to enable the local agencies to, to push forward TYPO3 on the market, and all the actions that our committee or International Committee is doing into, into working with the community, and doing what we call strategic business development. What does it mean, actually is, is that we are engaging, relevant stakeholders, like governments, for example, or international development agencies, trying to bring them as allies into this work. So it does happen, and I'm so happy that, that we see in the last years, and especially in this pandemic, here, you know, especially in last year, we saw the foster of of the interest, and of the people coming from our community to say, I want to be part of it, I want to be part of it. So there are so many, as you know, who want to contribute to that.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:Are you involved in the mentoring as well,
Daniel Homorodean:in our community, we've started the mentoring programming last year, and it was started. I think it's almost one year ago, when we realized that actually, the funding for traveling is not going to be spent, clearly it was not going to be spent. So okay, what other thing should we do in order to, to help convert the possibility that we have, and that was engaging local communities of programmers and bringing in members. So it was quite an effort, quite an effort to, to bring in and assess the developers and also to identify and incentivize mentors, you know, to do it. So I did call the IITs, this project last year and in the committee, we do have in plan another batch for this year, which will start in in a couple of months,
Jeffrey A. McGuire:I could see a lot of alignment between mentors and mentees and finding or creating or helping local champions, I think that that that all is is in must be in the same stream of efforts.
Daniel Homorodean:And that is why we see the cockman project. And the TYPO3 community expansion committee is definitely convergent and complimentary and working together on on all the areas.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:How would you right now try to convince someone to learn TYPO3 as a developer or take on TYPO3 a an agency?
Daniel Homorodean:In both cases, I believe that the arguments would, would be the same. On one hand, that TYPO3 enables you to develop projects more serious that that you couldn't touch before, like multi language, multi domain, high security, large scale, complex workflows, projects, for which TYPO3 in all these respects outshines any other open source, PHP based CMS, by far. And on the other hand, working both for freelancers or for agency, TYPO3 is providing business opportunities. On one hand, because we know that is in high demand in its core area in the to the central European Western European countries. On the other hand, because we are convinced that it will catch up especially in in the governmental and administration area. And this will open up open direct work opportunities for any console,
Jeffrey A. McGuire:whether I'm an individual developer or an agency, you have a baseline argument that this is a technology that's not that different from things that you might know if you've been on the web already. And fundamentally, it's really good PHP with supporting technologies. So it's learnable. And usable, then you have if you learn it now, if you take it on now, as an agency, you can probably find business now because there's a high demand for TYPO3 developers and TYPO3 project work. So that's an immediate motivation. And then in parallel to that, you have a well tested, proven technology that gives you the power to deliver really big, really reliable, really scalable, secure projects. So and then a career path beyond that. So that's cool. What do you think about the need for learning materials and documentation in local languages?
Daniel Homorodean:The need in general exists? It's clear we have to identify exactly the languages and exactly the countries. I would say that the first of all, I would consider focusing on the say, the most important languages of the world, which are actually covering quite quite large areas, I would say Spanish, French, Russian, maybe. And that is because Russia still has quite a quite a stronger technological capacity, however, quite a low English penetration. Hmm.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:I've met a lot of Russians, but I guess the ones I've met all do speak English, so I wasn't aware of that.
Daniel Homorodean:So starting, you're starting from the third countries, countries, which are smaller actually have, have managed to somehow relate to the larger speaking languages. So right.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:I mean, if you look at the history of the world, multilingual regions like Europe, or, you know, there's historically people who spoke quote, unquote, minority languages or who were ruled by external powers have long traditions of being multilingual, right? I imagine most Romanians speak a couple languages, most Dutch people speak a few languages. So what if we take a list of how many people speak how many languages and choose where we think that we can be effective and go down that that
Daniel Homorodean:could be in my opinion, I would approach
Jeffrey A. McGuire:you know, I'm also working on my pitch for the publishers to translate the book that I'm working on. I could see French being great. One, because we have a great French community that could really support getting it right. And to that Francophone Africa is such an interesting place. And plus, you want to be able to go to more countries in Africa and do your work. So you need them with the documentation that they can manage that. And then I really want to visit Costa Rica again. So I think that we need the documentation in Spanish. And then, you know, probably Portuguese is up there somewhere as well. In the end,
Daniel Homorodean:it is definitely the Brazil is like a continent, you know, 200 million people make a continent?
Jeffrey A. McGuire:Yeah. Let's do some TYPO3 quick questions. Yeah. What one word would you use to describe TYPO3?
Daniel Homorodean:reliability?
Jeffrey A. McGuire:What is your favorite feature of TYPO3,
Daniel Homorodean:multi domain capacity?
Jeffrey A. McGuire:What feature Would you like to see added to TYPO3 core?
Daniel Homorodean:Maybe stronger document management capacity?
Jeffrey A. McGuire:In controversial? Because because there's a lot of talk about about better integrations with with with digital asset management right now. But okay, good. Good. I could see that. Um, what feature Would you like to see removed from TYPO3?
Daniel Homorodean:Well, nothing came to talk to my view yet. I let you know.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:So where do you think TYPO3 could and should go next? what's what's something on the horizon?
Daniel Homorodean:Maybe that you're excited about? from the from the usage and capacity perspective, I see a bright future into the government, the administration. That's, that's a place to go, which is beyond the presentation, and goes more in depth to support the more complex workflows in between stakeholders.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:Yeah, I'm very excited about the push towards more functionality explicitly directed at governments and really selling into helping good governance around the world. I'm also really excited about that. What is something that people use that you wish people knew about TYPO3, but they don't seem to?
Daniel Homorodean:Actually, once you, you grasp its capacity, it becomes easier to use. I'm not sure if easy, but easier.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:I don't know if easy, is actually needed per se, right. I mean, if you are solving web publishing, write it that itself is quite complex, there are not necessarily very many easy answers. So you know, if it's learnable good enough, I think. And if it does its job well in the end, then, you know, that's the best. What's one cool trick that you've learned that you want to share?
Daniel Homorodean:The trick that I would like to share is that I found again and again, people who when empowered, want to step up and to learn to learn the others. I mean, that's that's something that, that we don't really Naturally figured out when we are in an agency. But I think that for the promotion and for the for the expansion of of any technology, that's something that we should take care of, I mean, really empower people to become more than programmers, technical project managers, and become the real sharers, mentors, cultures for the others, and they love it.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:So in your experience, when you give people the tools to do this, they have a natural instinct and inclination to share that with others.
Daniel Homorodean:I think that some have are more natural than others. Some might need a bit of push, and everybody needs a bit of encouragement.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:And for that, I think having a supportive and friendly community has got to help.
Daniel Homorodean:Definitely, it's, it's the continuous example that everybody sees and with whom everybody can, can engage.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:We do a little thing on this podcast that I like to call this suggest a guest. Who is it that you think should be on this podcast and talk with me?
Daniel Homorodean:Well, I'm thinking to about two people that with whom I've shared this very nice experience of bringing TYPO3 further, and these are the Moto moto dylewski from Marco pedia Poland,
Jeffrey A. McGuire:Semak
Daniel Homorodean:demek. Together with whom I've also been in Ronda, to, to help the random people I'm also thinking that Mateus balls Lesniak who's doing quite a job in running and managing the cocoa mon project. And he's very, very keen, not only to promote the TYPO3 into the Scandinavian area, but actually to promote it in all the world. So I think this, these two guys, which I'm very happy that they are our teammates in our committee, this, this would make very good guests for you.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:And I haven't seen or spoken with timok in, I mean, honestly, more than a year, so it's a great excuse for me to give him a call to thank you. That's fantastic. I'm lucky I think I speak with Mateus a couple times a week, which is great. We have multiple ongoing conversations. But yeah, Tim, it would be great. That's a super idea. Thank you so much for all of your contribution and all of the work that you do. I am so proud and excited to be involved in communities of people who you know, all of this is contribution. All of this is important. All of this is interesting. And it's not just code. There's so much to do. And there's so many ways that starting from code that we can make a real difference in the world. And I'm you know, so thank you for all of your contributions. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. And I really look forward to the next time we get a chance to talk and what if what if we had a beer together sometime
Daniel Homorodean:looking forward to that and to, let's say, getting together physically, but one of the next events in the TYPO3 community.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:Let's hope that we can have that beer soon. Definitely. Thank you so much for your time. Thank
Daniel Homorodean:you, Jim. It was a pleasure.
Jeffrey A. McGuire:Thanks to the TYPO3 Association for sponsoring this podcast. Thank you b13 and Stephanie Kreuzer for our logo. Merci Beuacoup Patrick Gaumont, TYPO3 developer and musician extraordinaire for our theme music. Thanks again to today's guest. If you like what you heard, don't forget to subscribe in the podcast app of your choice and share application that TYPO3 community podcast with your friends and colleagues. If you didn't like it, please share it with your enemies. Would you like to play along and suggest the guest for the podcast? Do you have questions or comments? reach out to us on Twitter at TYPO3 podcast. You can find show notes, links and more information in our posts on typo3.org. Remember, open source software would not be what it is without you. Thank you all for your contributions!